Reverso context
Type in a word and you get a translation with example sentences, so you can learn the meaning in context
Word reference
An online dictionary that also gives you example sentences for context. It also has a forum so you can ask questions to other learners or native speaker
Forvo – for pronunciation
Choose your word and your language and hear a variety of native speakers say it. Available in an app, not the greatest interface but good when you don’t know how to pronounce something
Meet up
Search for online or in person language groups – if there isn’t one near you consider starting your own!
Another one that I recommend to literally every person learning a language! Book online one on one lessons with either a conversation partner (community tutor) or qualified teacher. There are a huge variety of teachers to choose from meaning you can get experience with different accents etc. I’ve had excellent experience with both informal tutoring and exam preparation. Take some time to have trial lessons and find a teacher you really click with, it makes all the difference. Some may seem expensive but remember you are getting one on one lessons tailored specifically to you, and can choose the time that fits your own calendar.
For a beginner I personally think nothing beats in person classes if they are available to you. Mainly because you get to meet other like minded people and build your language learning community with people to practice with. Don’t rule out remote group classes though. During the first lockdown when I had time off work but couldn’t go anywhere I did an intensive week of italian classes (20 hours over 5 days) with International House Rome and it worked really well. I wrote about it here
Many schools are keeping remote classes going even with restrictions lifted, and if I had the chance it’s something I would do again.
Conversation groups
I am lucky and in the city where I live there is a fantastic Spanish conversation group. We meet in a bar every Wednesday and talk about anything and everything. We are a mix of native speakers and learners and I have learned more about speaking the language naturally here than in any class. Again if there isn’t already one in your area consider starting your own!
A note on apps for language exchanges
I know some people who have had success with apps like hello talk. Unfortunately in my experience they are treated by some like more of a dating app….